My friend Monty Boyle worked with the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) working group during its formative years some time ago. Monty recommended a book by one of the other members, Peter Bolstorff. I read the book and made the following summary, posted here for your review. 

Does anything resonate with you and your organization? Comments welcome!

“Supply Chain Excellence” by Peter Bolstorff 

15 Causes of Supply Chain misalignment

1.    Lack of technology investment plan

2.    Little or no ROI (on technology investment)
3.    Isolated supply chain strategies
4.    Competing supply chain improvements
5.    Faulty S&OP
6.    Failure to Meet financial commitments
7.    Lack of support and specialized expertise
8.    Mismatch between corporate culture and ERP - functional management versus process management
9.    Under-utilization of existing technology
10. Vaguely defined goals - ex. Differentiation through strategy of operational excellence
11. Impact of Mergers and acquisitions
12. Mismanagement and poor standardization of business processes
13. Extension from supply chain to the value chain.
14. Running out of ideas for new improvement projects
15. An organization that defied effective and efficient supply chain
About FarStarFarStar is boutique consulting firm with a focus supply chain transformation, of which a key lever is Sales & Operations Planning. With team members located in Canada and the US, the company has extensive experience across a wide range of industries including aerospace, defence, high-tech/electronics, and industrial products in a variety of business environments, ranging from make-to-stock to engineer-to-order.


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