BACK TO BASICS - IRA (Inventory Record Accuracy)

BACK TO BASICS : I was a new hire with an organization that clearly had inventory management issues starting with poor product identification, no location control and a poor control of the manual wall-to-wall physical count compounded with the lack of an electronic system of record. That was nearly 30 years ago . Below is an excerpt from a white paper by ECI SOFTWARE from March of 2019. Hard to believe the following was identified as Pit Fall #1. "Inventory record inaccuracies: ... Surprisingly, many Small-Medium-sized Manufacturers (SMMs) do not have inventory record-keeping policies and processes in place, including regular inventory counts, maintenance, and documentation. Results from a recent ECi Software Solutions’ customer “Warehouse Management Woes” survey shows that 53% of small to mid-sized businesses conduct manual inventory counts at least once a quarter and 50% of respondents have challenges counting or reconciling inventory." You cannot hav...