I recently read this blog for Supply Chain Brain. Usually, I like what they have to say. This time, I agree with some of the points made such as the trend to economic nationalism impacting the supply chain, but i think this trend started before the political impact. Supply chains were being contracted, and relocated, to produce either where the raw materials were located or where the customers were located. For some fortunate few, those two locations were in the same geography. This is the "dig dirt where you sell dirt" concept. I don't agree with the comments made about the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model. To me, it offers a documented structure of the overall process (plan-source-make-deliver-return-enable) along with some terrific guidance on metric selection, definitions and best practices. I don't think the model constrains or restricts people to silos and silo-thinking. It is up to leaders and managers to implement these elements where, and as...