This article arrived in my InBox today and I thought it was interesting enough to share. What I really like is Figure# 2 which is really a scheduling maturity level chart. Nobody should be shocked, but many firms are still on the far-left hand side. And that might be all they need to suit their business needs. I like technology and used to be a strong proponent of software solutions. HOWEVER, as I learned more and gained more real-life experience, I firmly believe there is a strong case to be made for deeper and more thorough implementation of lean tools with “pull” signal and takt times driving scheduling based on bottlenecks. Before going to far forward with software solutions, which tend to be VERY expensive, take a moment to reflect upon some wisdom acquired over 4 decades including multi-site, global production and supply chain management: Read “ The Goal ” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox Read “ Creating A Lean Culture ” by David Mann...